Ways you can help at home

Together, we can make a difference

Ways you can help at home

January 22, 2019

There are many small actions you can take to help improve and keep our watersheds healthy!

These are just some ideas you can consider -what ideas do you have?!


• Conserve water by using a rain barrel, planting hardier native plant species, not watering your lawn or driveways, watering gardens less frequently, use low flow household products, and repair leaks and drips.

• Brush your teeth without the tap running.

• Purchase products that have less plastic wrapping and packaging.

• Purchase reusable products.

• Ride a bike, switch to an electric vehicle and/or carpool.

• Avoid using fertilizers or pesticides.

• Dispose of hazardous products properly.

• Allow trees and shrubs to grow along the edges of ponds, streams, rivers, lakes and ditches.

• Keep your septic system in good working order to avoid contaminating groundwater and nearby water bodies.

• Plant trees and shrubs to control runoff and soil erosion, improve water quality, and help clean the air.

• Decommission any older, unused rural wells that can provide a direct pathway to groundwater.

• Don’t pour anything down storm drains because everything entering storm drains goes directly to local creeks, rivers, streams, ponds and lakes

• Try green infrastructure practices such as permeated pavement, urban forests, natural areas, green roofs, green walls, parks, community gardens, constructed wetlands, rain gardens, bioswales, and stormwater ponds to prevent runoff, reduce emissions, cool cities, and keep water on the landscape (and encourage your local municipality to try these too!)


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